New Year, New You!!

 As January 1st marks the beginning of the new year for many people, it is a time where individuals may evaluate their dreams and goals.   They embark upon new year's resolutions and commit to changing aspects of their lives.  While anytime can be a great time for "hitting the reset button", the new year can be a great time to set a goal and assess progress.  A great approach for setting goals is to use the SMART approach- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-limited.  

  • Specific goals are goals that are clear and concise.  For example, if you are interested in beginning an exercise routine, a specific goal would identify the terms and conditions. (i.e. I will workout at the gym).
  • Measurable goals can be measured.   (i.e. I  will workout at the gym 3 times per week).
  • Attainable goals are goals that you are able to achieve or within your grasp.    If you set a goal that is not attainable, the likelihood that you will work on this goal is reduced.  If there is an opportunity for achieving the goal, most individuals will work toward achieving the goal.
  • Realistic goals are goals that you are able to accomplish.  Do you have the skills to achieve the goal?  Is this a realistic goal for you at this time?
  • Time-Limited- Setting a timeframe for achieving a goal will increase the likelihood that you are able to achieve it.  It keeps you accountable to yourself. 
Perhaps you need some motivation to keep you accountable to yourself.  Noted below are some apps
that may help you in your journey.

Strides: Goal & Habit Tracker (available for I-phone)-  visit the Applestore for a download.  This
is a great way of monitoring progress real-time.  You are able to track your progress and is a great way
of keeping you accountable.

Goals on Track- You are able to monitor your goals and maintain a journal to document your progress.  This is a great app for monitoring both individual and team progress.

Vision Board- Create a vision board or a tangible representation of your dreams and desires.  Vision
boards can be updated periodically and may be a motivating force for keeping you on the path of success.

Daily Affirmation App- this app can provide you with the motivation that you need during times
when you veer off the path of goal achievement.  Our thoughts create our experiences, so it is important
to engage in healthy self-talk.



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